Looking for volunteer opportunities in Louisville? There are lots of fun and meaningful community service events and activities happening this month, ranging from bourbon to daffodils! And in the spirit of Thanksgiving, we’ve highlighted several volunteer opportunities to provide food or meals to individuals and families in need. So carve out a few hours, gather some friends, and help make make a difference in our community.
One-Time Volunteer Opportunities in Louisville This Month
11/10/16: 2nd Annual Louisville Mashed benefiting Family & Children’s Place. Mellwood Arts & Entertainment Center, 1860 Mellwood Ave. 5:30 pm – 9:30 pm. Combining great bourbon, networking for young professionals, and a focus on giving back to the community. Volunteers needed to support vendors and cleanup. Must be at least 21 years of age. More at http://www.louisvillemashed.com/and volunteer signups here.
11/11/16 – 11/13/16: 2016 Festival of Tree & Lights benefiting Kosair Children’s Hospital. Louisville Slugger Field. 401 E. Main St. 10:00 am – 6:00 pm. Winter wonderland of events with decorated tree, wreath, and greenery sales, family entertainment, children’s activities, holiday displays, and shops. Hundreds of volunteers needed for setup / teardown, sales desk, floor sales, greeters, children’s activities, and pick-up and delivery. More at https://kosairchildrenshospital.com/Pages/festivaloftreeslights.aspx.
11/12/16: Second Saturday Workday at Yew Dell Botanical Gardens. 6220 Old LaGrange Rd. 9:00 am – 12 pm. Volunteers needed to help plant daffodils and remove tropicals. Gardening gloves and tools provided. Signup here. More information about Yew Dell volunteer opportunities at http://yewdellgardens.org/volunteer.html.
11/21/16: Boys & Girls Haven Annual Thanksgiving Dinner. 2301 Goldsmith Lane. 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm. Volunteers needed to help decorate and set up for a Thanksgiving dinner for Boys & Girls Haven foster youth. Sign up here. More information about Boys & Girls Haven at http://www.boyshaven.org/.
Ongoing Meal & Food Pantry Volunteer Opportunities in Louisville
The Community Kitchen. 1611 Spring St. Jeffersonsville, IN. The Community Kitchen provides free, hot meals, 5 days a week, to the needy and hungry in the region. Needs a large group of volunteers to procure and store the food and supplies, prepare and serve food, clean up and maintain the building. More information at https://jeffersonvillecommunitykitchen.org.
Wayside Christian Mission. Family Shelter, Child Development Center, Men’s Shelter, Women’s Shelter, Dining Hall, and several other programs and facilities. More information on volunteer opportunities at http://www.waysidechristianmission.org.
St. Vincent de Paul Louisville. Dare to Care Kid’s Cafe, Open Hand Kitchen, Food Pantry. More information at https://www.svdplou.org/httpsignup-comgowupyug/.
House of Ruth, Inc. 607 E. St. Catherine St. Volunteers needed to staff their food pantry, including helping clients check in, assisting clients to select food, and sorting and straightening food shelves. More information at http://www.houseofruth.net/.
The Healing Place. Volunteers needed for the Women’s Campus Kitchen and the Men’s Campus Kitchen, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11 to 1:30. More information at http://www.thehealingplace.org/get-involved.
Cathedral of the Assumption. 433 S 5th St # 101. Volunteers needed for the Daily Lunch Program, which serves an average of 160 homeless and low-income individuals. More information at http://www.cathedraloftheassumption.org/social-concerns/daily-lunch-program.